Monday, January 15, 2007

A Note from Mom

A rather neat little "coincidence" happened this evening. I knelt down for bedtime prayers with my son who is three. He always asks for a little guidance, so in asking God for help, I asked him, who do you want God to help? He answered, "I want Heavenly Father to help Grandma get better."

I got an email from my Mother after my son went to bed regarding government funding for MS research, which included this link. Please visit the site and sign the petition. MS has robbed my Mother of mobility and a normal life for the better part of the last decade. It has done similar things to others I know. I've always said that there are more "glamorous" causes. One fact remains, however: No one chooses MS. It happens as a result of genetics, not choice. It slowly debilitates and eventually, because at present there is no cure, finishes its work with the affected.

Help fight MS...and thank you!

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