I work in the IT industry and therefore subscribe to a lot of email and RSS feeds of industry rags. ChannelWeb, who publishes VARBusiness magazine and other things gave me this little nugget that you probably missed since media was not allowed into Al Gore's recent
keynote speech at the annual RSA SecurWorld Conference.
I can definitely get behind the "be better stewards of the earth" philosophy that should underscore this debate. But it seems that it isn't a "debate" to anyone on Mr. Gore's speed-dial. It's over to him. We're all hot fire-breathers who expel carbon carbon and more carbon and are killing the planet. Never mind the real scientists who have proved these theories false time and time again. According to the Gospel of St. Albert, they are nothing more than kooks and fools who have bought into the neocon cover up of global warming.
FYI: It snowed in Boise last week. The day after it was 75 degrees. Whatever, Al. You go ahead and put mercury-laden bulbs in your sockets--your grandkids will clean up after you.