Thursday, August 30, 2007


Brad Lakeman claims credit for it. I heard a guest on the Dennis Miller Radio Show yesterday mention it (could've been Brad...). I like it. The term is "momentarian."

Here's an excerpt from the entire interview last year with Mr. Lakeman and Tucker Carlson on MSNBC (an interview most people likely have never seen--since it was aired on a program that most people have never seen): emphasis mine

BRAD LAKEMAN: The vast majority of Iraqis do not hate us. I coined a term, we've become momentarians in this country. We live for the moment. That's not what makes America great. That‘s not what makes our society free and a peaceful world. We have to look to the future and that's what George W. Bush is doing.

TUCKER CARLSON: Wait a second, momentarians - wait a minute. Who is the momentarian? Who looked at 9/11 and said, oh, a new world order. Who sort of forgot the several millennia of history that preceded 9/11? Millennia in which the people of Iraq lived without democracy in a tribal society that was hostile to outside influence and had almost nothing in common with the West? All of the [sic] sudden that was forgotten, as you put it, in a moment. The White House totally forgot about all that. History didn't exist. All of the sudden we're in a new age, a new world. The people want democracy, they want it really, really bad, but they didn't and they don't and it's time to face reality on this one.

BRAD LAKEMAN: No. There are people who want instant gratification. They want instant results. And democracy is not a switch you turn on. It's something that people fight for. And that people go to the polls for.

I think many Americans have become momentarians. Many Americans--and America has no corner on the market--sacrifice the big picture at the altar of instant gratification and poll results. Case in point? Once positive news was finally allowed unfettered into the MSM in America post-surge, Pres. Bush's approval ratings began to climb--while the Democrat-controlled Congress's ratings hit an all-time low.

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